Olive Oil Skin Care Company's story began with a search for a solution. In 2012, they recognized the difficulties people face when combating the frustrating skin condition, Psoriasis. Research indicated that harsh soaps and cleansers only worsened the irritation. Determined to find relief, they embarked on a journey of discovery, uncovering the potential of olive oil to soothe and manage such symptoms.
Inspired by century-old recipes they experimented in their very own kitchen, crafting a gentle soap. The results were transformative – the soap brought welcome comfort. The positive results spread quickly, making their olive oil-based product available at the local markets.
Fueled by success and a desire to help others, they expanded their product range and created more olive oil based, soothing products with a dedicated production facility. Their commitment to further research deepened, revealing the wider potential of olive oil for all skin types.
Today, Olive Oil Skin Care offers a wide range of products that create smoother skin for all skin types, naturally. Trusted across Australia and beyond.